The College motto, 'Wisdom through Growth' epitomises our educational approach at St. Michael's, where we recognise that knowledge and capabilities are developed and ‘grown’ through application and effort. The curriculum is planned around our Four Pillars of Learning: Academic, Spiritual, Cultural and Physical.
The College has a strong commitment to the provision of current Information and Communication Technologies in the curriculum. Every classroom is equipped with an Interactive Whiteboard so that ICTs are employed to optimise curriculum experiences. In addition, the College has a mini Computer Lab in the Library and a high-end Computer Lab in our newly refurbished ICT Hub, both for class use. Every classroom from Year 2 – Year 6 has a full class set of Chromebooks. Students use ICTs at school every day, and ICTs are integrated into learning experiences in all year levels including a weekly ICT Lesson incorporating Cybersafety, Coding, Robotics and Design. St. Michael’s College also provides a comprehensive Robotics program, competing annually in a First Lego League Challenge.

St. Michael’s College employs Music Specialists to provide a comprehensive Music program at all year levels from Prep - 6. In addition, students can elect to join Music extension activities that are provided during the school day as follows:
Junior and Senior Choir - St. Michael’s choral program is a leading program in South East Queensland. Our choirs have performed in Brisbane and Sunshine Coast Eisteddfods with resounding success.
Instrumental Music - This program is supported by Instrumental Music Specialists, and enables students to study an instrument in a small group teaching situation and perform in a College band. Instrumental lessons are held in small groups during the school day, and the bands rehearse one day per week. All bands will perform at school and in public throughout the year.
St. Michael’s College students participate in a strong Physical Education program from Prep - 6.
Students compete in Interhouse competitions in Cross Country, Athletics and Swimming. In these events, talented students are supported in competitions at District and Regional levels and beyond.
Students in Years 5 and 6 also participate in an Interschool competition where they play Softball, Soccer, Netball and Touch Football against teams from the Sunshine Coast area.

Pastoral Care - Religious and Positive Education and Social and Emotional Learning
Christian beliefs and values underpin the ethos of St. Michael’s College.
Students in all year levels participate in a Religious Education program that examines Christianity and its teachings. The Religious Education program at St. Michael’s fosters an understanding of the Christian belief system, and empowers students to apply that knowledge in their roles as family members, school students and members of our community. Upper Primary students also study major religions of the world in detail, to foster an understanding and appreciation of differing cultures and religious beliefs.

Left to right, our names are Fr George, Mrs Jaime Allom, Sr Veronica and Mrs Susan Chalmers. Together we form the Pastoral Care Team here at St. Michael's College.
Pastoral Care Specialist lessons focus on endeavouring to meet the needs and nurture the wellbeing of students within our care. Whilst all members of the school community are providers of pastoral care, these Specialist lessons aim to enhance the students’ personal, emotional, spiritual, social and academic development.
Weekly lessons focus on concepts of:
- Positive Education- combining the science of Positive Psychology with best practice teaching to explore Character Strengths, Wellbeing Domains, Mindset Theory, Gratitude and Mindfulness;
- Religious Education- the study of significant Christian celebrations, values, figures, stories and events, as well as elements of the other World Religions;
- Social and Emotional Learning- developing skills that assist students to strengthen their relationships and connections, build positive emotions and enhance personal resilience.
As part of our Pastoral Care program, all students in the College will attend Year Level and Whole School Chapel Services each Term (from Term 2 for Prep). Year Level Chapel Services will be celebrated in the Abbey Church and complement the Pastoral Care Specialist program. A variety of multi-faith and cultural occasions will be celebrated in the PAC as a whole school community. Fr George, the College Chaplain, will lead the College community to active participation during each Service, with the students responding in prayer and song.
“The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions” - Oliver Wendell Holmes
St. Michael’s College specialises in Japanese language education and students are taught by a qualified Japanese teacher called Miller Sensei. She is extremely passionate about helping students to improve their Japanese language skills and understanding of the Japanese culture.

Japanese offers students a unique opportunity to challenge themselves academically whilst becoming accomplished in Japanese. Students are offered and are encouraged to participate in many QLD based Japanese competitions including the MLTAQ Japanese Speech contest, MLTAQ Poster competition and MLTAQ Christmas Card competition.
St. Michael's College believes that language learning is heightened when students understand the Japanese culture. This includes understanding the Japanese people, their way of life, their values and customs, developing life skills and tools that connect Australia to Japan. Academic research strongly validates the benefits of learning languages in a supportive and encouraging environment. The program offers students with a world-class languages experience, intercultural skills, international experience and real options for further study in High School. Students who study Japanese at St. Michael's College will develop many cognitive, emotional and social skills through the challenge of learning a range of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in Japanese. They will graduate in Year 6 with skills of focus, attention, memory, multi-tasking and resilience. Students will also develop advanced Japanese language skills, Asian literacies and many multi-cultural learnings to develop them as global citizens.
Japanese is taught in a fun and engaging manner that includes hands on experiences, multiple language opportunities, dance, drama, songs and games.

Benefits of learning the Japanese language.
Ten reasons to learn a language Why should students learn a language?
St. Michael’s College has a strong reputation in South East Queensland for excellence in Drama. Students in all year levels from Prep - 6 have the opportunity to participate in staged Infant and Senior Musicals at least twice during their Primary schooling.
Our Musicals are attended by large audiences and give students an opportunity to perform in a professional theatre situation in our Performing Arts Complex.
St. Michael’s College is committed to providing an education in a safe, nurturing, and supportive Christian environment. We are committed to the education of the whole child and each student is challenged to reach their full potential in spiritual, academic, cultural, physical, social and emotional areas of development. At the heart of our mission and values is inclusivity; our academic and wellbeing teams work closely with students with diverse learning needs across all academic levels.
The College has identified opportunities to strengthen further their support for those students who are performing at the highest academic level. This year will see the introduction of the St. Michael’s College Enrichment Program. Our Learning Enrichment Teacher, Mrs Kim Jenkins, will support both teachers and students in accessing differentiated learning opportunities within the classroom and, for eligible students, will be offering Enrichment classes. Enrichment classes are sessions that offer a differentiated program that challenges and engages students beyond the classroom. These sessions will provide opportunities for students to move further into the realm of collaboration, problem-solving and project-based learning.
High-achieving students will be identified and supported using our current school Staged Intervention Process. Students' academic attainment will continue to be monitored to ensure they receive learning opportunities that extend their mathematical understanding.
Excellent relationships across our learning community unite students, parents, and teachers with high expectations. Our key aim is to ensure students are intellectually challenged, as well as emotionally engaged and supported so that they are enjoying school, being challenged, and achieving.
St. Michael’s College has a comprehensive Learning Support program.
Students in Prep and Primary classes are assessed using a range of formal and informal screening and observation tools to ensure that students with Learning Support are identified and supported in order to achieve their potential.
A Learning Support program, available to students with learning difficulties, includes classifying learning needs, planning individual education programs and organising remedial resources with the classroom teacher.
St. Michael’s has a newly refurbished and high quality library facility. The Library includes a teaching classroom equipped with Interactive Whiteboard, and a computer laboratory.
Students in all year levels from Prep - 6 attend lessons in our library, and it is considered the ‘learning hub’ of our College. It is an inviting and stimulating environment designed to support the curriculum as well as providing a welcoming environment for students during play breaks.
The College is committed to providing a comprehensive camp program for all students. The camp program cost is included in the tuition fees for each student and does not constitute an additional expense for families. Please refer to our Fees Policy for more details about our all-inclusive tuition fees.
Camp provides opportunities to develop social skills, interpersonal communication skills, physical skills and builds class rapport. Our camps are linked closely to the curriculum covered and as such provide an opportunity to extend classroom learning in a safe, challenging environment. All camps are organised and run by the class teacher, who is assisted by other staff members from the College.
The camp program begins with a ‘first’ overnight sleepover in the tunnel at UnderWater World in Year 2 and culminates in the leadership and team-building experiences at Canberra, Sydney and The Snow in Year 6.
Our camp program provides camps as follows:
Year 2 2 days, 1 night at UnderWater World, Mooloolaba
Year 3 2 days, 1 night at Mapleton Camp, Mapleton
Year 4 3 days, 2 nights at Currimundi
Year 5 4 days, 3 nights at Emu Gully Camp, Helidon
Year 6 5 days, 4 nights at Canberra, Sydney and The Snow